On the 8th November 2018 CMH Toyota Alberton set up displays and sponsored water for a hole at the Bell Equipment Golf day.
The CMH Toyota Alberton team arrived early to ensure that the displays were set-up and refreshments were available for the golfers to enjoy while passing by. On show for all to view was the new shape Toyota Hilux.
A combination of the refreshments and the new shape Toyota Hilux on display made us popular amongst the golfers. The new car manager Frans Van Sittert informed the golfers of the new Toyota Hilux’s advanced security features and its new shape making the New Toyota Hilux a tougher experience.
The Golfers were amazed to see that the new Toyota Hilux has a flamboyant new interior design that seems to deliver the toughness and functionality needed in a working capacity, as well as the convenience and refinement expected in a private vehicle. One of the Golfers pointed out that there is truly no skimping on comfort or style with the New Toyota Hilux’s elegant exterior.
As always, we are proud to be able to sponsor and support yet another great Golf day Event. It was a fun and enjoyable day for CMH Toyota Alberton as well as for the Golfers.